
Protesters Show Up at House of Google Self-Driving Car Engineer

It is said that some people rely on violence to express their feelings or opinions.

At the same time, we do need to think about the "modern technology" and modern industry.

How much do we need self-driving cars, and why we don't talk about trying not to use cars or consume less natural resources?

How much do we really need Google Glass?

How desperate human being has become to be hooked up to more and more "high-tech"?

How high do we really expect Down Joe to go, even though the economy is not proportional to its growth? Which gives us another question: how much money do we really want?

The protests against Google keep on coming. Last month a group of protesters attacked a bus full of Google employees, and now a group—possibly the same one—has shown up to the house of Google autonomous car engineer Anthony Levandowski.

The group, which calls itself "Counterforce" takes issue with Levandowski's involvement with Google's self-driving cars and street view. In a flier, which can be seen in full here, distributed outside of Levandowski's house, Counterforce says Levandowski and Google are going forward "with their plans to create technology that only reinforces the domination that exists in society. Google actively collaborates with the defense industry, an industry more and more focussed (sic) on quelling social dissent."

That bit about the defense industry pertains to Google's recent acquisition of Boston Dynamics, a military robotics contractor. The acquisition makes since on Google's part because of Boston Dynamics' own work with autonomous cars. But to Counterforce, the move is dangerous.

The protesters also accuse Levandowski of wanting "his own cyber-capitalist utopia in the great city of Berkeley," referring to his purchase of a property he intends on turning into a 77-unit apartment building.

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