
Google、冬の大掃除で「Google Sync」を含む複数サービス終了へ

 米Googleは15日、冬の大掃除と題して、Googleのサービスをモバイルやタブレットに同期できる「Google Sync」を含む、いくつかのサービスや機能を終了すると発表した。
 Google Syncは、「Microsoft Exhange ActiveSync」のプロトコルを介して、GmailやGoogleカレンダーにアクセスできるようにするもの。Googleでは9月、オープンプロトコルの「CardDAV」を公開したことで、IMAPやCalDAV、CardDAV経由で同様のアクセスが可能となったことから、2013年1月30日にGoogle Syncを打ち切ることにしたという。
 ただし、既存のGoogle Syncユーザーは、引き続きサービスを利用できる。また、企業や教育機関、政府機関向けの有料クラウドサービス「Google Apps」のユーザーには、サポートを継続する。
 Google Syncの終了にあたって、「Google Calender Sync」を12月14日に終了。また、旧型モバイル機器向けの同期サービス「SyncML」や「Google Sync for Nokia S60」を2013年1月30日に終了する。
 このほか、Googleカレンダーで人気がなかったという「Appointment slots」に加えて、Googleカレンダーのラボ機能である「Smart Rescheduler」や「Add gadget by URL」といった機能も2013年1月4日に終了する。




米小学校で銃乱射、26人殺害 子供20人犠牲、容疑者死亡 コネティカット州

毎日新聞 2012年12月15日 11時25分(最終更新 12月15日 12時03分)


Researchers show proof-of-concept Microsoft ERP database hack

Researchers show proof-of-concept Microsoft ERP database hack

Project Mayhem accesses system's database to divert funds without detection

Security researchers have presented proof-of-concept code capable of accessing the database driving a Microsoft ERP system and then diverting funds while avoiding immediate detection.
Tom Eston and Brett Kimmel of vendor SecureState presented the would-be malwarethis week at the Black Hat Abu Dhabi conference. A white paper on the mock attack, called Project Mayhem, is available on the SecureState website.
For hackers seeking big money, infiltrating an enterprise resource planning system would be like hitting the jackpot. Once inside, cybercriminals would have access to financial software, as well as applications driving business operations.

Makers of corporate enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems include Oracle andSAP, while Microsoft's Dynamics Great Plains software is for midsize businesses.

    Hacking Great Plans, or any other ERP system, requires more than just technical expertise, said Matthew Neely, research and innovation team director for SecureState. An accountant would also be needed to make sense of the information in the database and to manipulate accounts in a way to avoid immediate detection.
    Project Mayhem included tech experts and a certified public accountant SecureState had on staff. "It's that blending of unique knowledge that facilities the ability to find [where to] attack," Neely said on Friday.
    What the researchers did was find a way to access the Microsoft SQL Server database through the Great Plains client. Before that can occur, a cybercriminal would have to trick a Great Plains user into clicking on a malicious email attachment or visit a web site capable of downloading the code.
    Once the code is installed, it can intercept communications over ODBC between the client and the database and also inject commands, Neely said.
    "Think of it as having a phone line between the client and the database. That's the ODBC connection," Neely said. "We're tapping into that phone line and are able to hear what's being said and also talk into it."
    At that point, a hacker could manipulate financial data and change entries to move funds to an outside account. SecureState researchers were able to alter the remittance address on vendor records, create a new vendor and manual check entry, change general ledger accounting records, increase customer credit limit and credit the balance in a customer account in order to get a refund.
    Depending on its sophistication, actual malware could go undetected by anti-virus software. How long it remained hidden would depend on the kind of security technology in use.
    "The malware as it is right now is very much in a proof of concept state," said Spencer McIntyre, a SecureState researcher and creator of the tool, said. "What we mean by that is we haven't weaponised it. All we wanted to do was show that it is possible."
    Regardless of the security technology in use, companies should also have accounting procedures in place to regularly check financial records for unusual entries.
    "One of the goals [of the research] is to encourage accounting departments to adopt more stringent controls that could detect these attacks," Neely said.
    Despite the critical importance of ERP security, the software often goes unpatched for long periods of time, because of the complexity of updating the often highly customised systems.
    In May, consulting firm Onapsis released a study showing 95 percent of more than 600 SAP systems tested were vulnerable to attack, mainly because patches had not been applied.





    Japanese team targets 24Tbps optical fibre by 2014

    Japanese team targets 24Tbps optical fibre by 2014

    Fujitsu, NTT and NEC have created a research group which aims to transmit 60 channels of 400Gbps each over a fibre

    Three of Japan's tech giants will work together to increase data transmission speeds over optical fibre, aiming for 400Gbps per channel by 2014.
    Fujitsu, NTT and NEC said today they will aim to combine 60 channels using the new technology, to achieve a total data transmission rate of around 24Tbps over a single optical fibre. The companies said they will advance current techniques for multiplexing and modulation of signals, and tackle the degradation of optic signals over large distances.
    In addition to brute speed, an obvious requirement as more data is exchanged online, the companies said they would try to make the new network technology as adaptable as possible to handle sudden fluctuations and changes in the network. The earthquakes that regularly rock Japan are a major test for its networks, both because of the physical damage they cause and the sudden spikes in traffic that follow as the population tries to connect and get the latest news.

    A major goal of the project will be to slash power consumption to less than half of that of technologies in use today, mainly by cutting down on the amount of hardware required, the companies said in a joint news release. They will also aim to develop a single device that can both modulate and demodulate traffic, for more overall network flexibility.
    Faster fibre speeds have been achieved in the past under research conditions. NTT announced it set a world record in September when it hit one petabit per second in transfers over a single 50km fibre, which it said is the equivalent of sending 5,000 two-hour high-definition videos per second.
    The same companies previously teamed up, starting in 2009, to develop transmission technology that can yield 100Gbps per channel. A product based on that research went on sale earlier this year, and the companies said their chip implementation for converting signals at those speeds is the global market leader.
    The new research will be sponsored by Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as part of a larger project to promote Japanese network technology. The government's "Research and Development Project for the Ultra-high Speed and Green Photonic Networks" is partly aimed at establishing networks that are fast and flexible enough to quickly recover when base stations are knocked out by large-scale natural disasters.

    Ransom hackers encrypt medical centre's entire database

    Ransom hackers encrypt medical centre's entire database

    Attackers Demand £2,600 to release data

    An Australian medical centre is reported to be considering paying a ransom demand of $4,000 AUD (£2,600) after blackmailers broke into the organisation’s servers and encrypted its entire patient database.
    According to ABC News, Miami Family Medical Centre on the country’s Gold Coast had called in a third-party contractor to try and restore the data from backups but it remained unclear whether this would prove sufficient to return the database to its previous state.
    "We're trying to work out how to pay the hackers or find someone to decrypt the information," said centre co-owner David Wood.

    The centre was continuing to receive patients but Wood admitted this was proving "very, very, very difficult" without patient records.
    "What medication you're on can be retrieved from the pharmacists [and] pathology results can be gotten back from pathology," he told ABC News.
    According to Wood, the attackers had accessed the database directly rather than using a remote Trojan.
    "We've got all the antivirus stuff in place - there's no sign of a virus. They literally got in, hijacked the server and then ran their encryption software," he said.
    "It's people who know how to break in past firewalls and hack passwords to get onto the server." No data had been compromised, Wood claimed.
    The attack is not the first to affect medical centres in the country. Barely three months ago, dozens of business were reportedly hit by ransom malware and hijacking, including at least one other small medical businesses.
    Not coincidentally, earlier this month US backup firm NovaStor reported an suspiciously similar attack on an unnamed US medical practice around Halloween that encrypted critical data including x-rays.
    The business was able to beat the blackmailers thanks to NovaStor’s backup system which is probably the only reason the world got to hear about this near-disaster.
    That is the obvious Achilles heel of ransom industry – cloud or offline backup. Any business or individual mirror data to a separate system that can’t itself be hacked should be able to defend itself against ransom attacks.
    The wider phenomenon of data ransoming is overwhelmingly that of Trojans infecting individual PCs in order to encrypt consumers’ private data, but the latest Australian attack could be an example of a separate trend to target and attack specific types of business.
    The criminals appear to favour targeting smaller businesses likely to be heavy with valuable data but lack the resources to back it up as comprehensively as might a larger organisation.
    The culprits for the Miami Family Medical Centre are believed to be Russian, which fits with Trend Micro report from 2012 that suggested the core of the ransom industry could be a single gang.
    A Symantec report analysed the boom in such attacks during the last year, suggesting that in the consumer space as many as three percent of victims probably paid up. That statistic was making the tactic hugely profitable, the company said.

    The market analysis of smart devices as of Dec. 12 2012

    Apple and Samsung have emerged as the global kings of smartphones, tablets and PCs even though the two vendors have very different product and pricing strategies, IDC said Monday.
    On price, Apple's average selling price (ASP) for all its products is $310 more than Samsung's ASP, IDC said. That meant Samsung was able to ship to retailers about 20 million more smartphones, tablets, and PC's than Apple during the third quarter.
    In all, Samsung sold 66.1 million "smart devices" in the quarter, outpacing the 45.8 million from Apple, IDC said.
    In terms of market share, Samsung had 21.8% of all tablets, smartphones, desktops and laptops shipped during the period, while Apple had 15.1%. At that rate, Samsung grew by 97% over the third quarter of 2011, while Apple grew by 38%.
      The remaining vendors each had less than 7% of the market for all these devices, with Lenovo at 7%, HP at 4.6% and Sony at 3.6%. The total number of shipments for all vendors for all smart devices was 303.6 million, IDC said.
      "The battle between Samsung and Apple at the top of the smart connected device space is stronger than ever," said Ryan Reith, an IDC analyst. The fact that Apple charges higher prices while shipping 20 million fewer products "speaks volumes about the premium product line that Apple sells," Reith said.
      Smartphones will comprise 60.1.% of all smart devices shipped in 2012, IDC predicted, followed by 17.2% for laptops, 12.5% for desktop PCs and 10.2% for tablets. All smart devices shipped in 2012 will total nearly 1.2 billion devices, IDC said.
      By 2016, tablets will be the second most popular device shipped, ahead of laptops and desktops, while smartphones will account for 66.7% of all smart devices shipped that year, IDC predicted. By 2016, it expects 2.1 billion devices to ship.


      NASA Found Water on Mercuy? 水星の極地域に大量の氷が存在する?

       【11月30日 AFP】米航空宇宙局(NASA)は29日、太陽に最も近い惑星である水星の極地域に大量の氷が存在することを示す新たな証拠を発見したと発表した。
       NASA水星探査ミッションのデービッド・ローレンス(David Lawrence)氏によると、水星探査機メッセンジャー(MESSENGER)が取得した新たなデータに基づいた分析で、「ワシントンD.C.(Washington D.C.)と同じ面積に広げたとすると、厚さが3.2キロメートルに及ぶほど」の量の氷の存在が示唆されたという。



      詳報 酒井法子さん女優復帰会見











































